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The importance of Physiological, Functional and Postural Assessments

With the terms physiological evaluationfunctional evaluation and postural assessment one is meant sequence of interventions of clinical and instrumental detection where sector professionals have as their primary objective that of understand the physiological state, the motor behavior of each individual and the postural asset, at any age, detecting postures or attitudes defined as incorrect, sometimes unconscious, compensatory or protective, to be able to correct and modify them later with the final aim of improving movement, and consequently health, making it qualitatively effective and efficient.

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Physiological evaluation

There physiological evaluation of an individual involves the analysis and study of factors such as body composition, which includes the distribution of body fluids, lean mass, fat mass, bone densitometry, or specific tests to analyze the state of activation of the Autonomic Nervous System , and therefore to objectify the presence or absence of coherence and synchronization between the Sympathetic Nervous System, the Parasympathetic Nervous System and the Vagal System and above all hormonal productions consistent or not with the person's needs.

Functional evaluation

There functional evaluation of an individual corresponds to an investigative process that involves the execution of specific tests with the aim of analyzing those biomechanical and motor factors that determine physical performance, at any level and age

Areas of intervention

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Postural assessment

The postural assessment analyzes the position of the body within the space both in the static and dynamic phases. In order to be able to carry out a correct postural evaluation it is necessary to associate all those aspects that concern physiological and functional evaluation with the "observation" process. The integration of all these findings allows sector professionals the possibility of possessing objective and repeatable data on which they can better set the type of intervention, being able to personalize it as much as possible to the needs of the subject.

The observation it is certainly the basis of the evaluation of an individual but "the eyemeter" cannot be considered sufficient as the only evaluation approach since what we see and perceive through the eye does not allow us to have objective, reliable, repeatable and comparable data between different professionals. To consider the physiological, functional and postural assessments, it is therefore necessary to use quality assessments advanced and scientifically validated technologies, so that the data collected constitute a real advantage for the entire population, from children to the elderly, from athletes to sedentary people.


There is no single test or single method for carrying out an assessment, rather there is a "fusion" of interventions aimed at improve the person's quality of life. Precisely for this reason, the cognitive interview of the individual supported by objective data such as body composition tests, tests of the state of activation of the Autonomous Nervous System, joint tests, muscle tests, tests on static and dynamic balance abilities, complex functional tests (walking , stairs, running, leaps, specific sport gestures) will allow us to best interpret the characteristics of the subject being evaluated, allowing him to perform any activity safely.


The quality of understanding and objective analysis of the data therefore becomes fundamental results obtained by professionals of the sector and which only subsequently turns into a personalized and unique report, a document that shows the physical, physiological and postural state at that moment, completely comparable to a medical record.

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